Explanation of sound effects to be created and plan of action

The four sounds that I think I am going to be making is, footsteps, something falling, a car revving, and a door shutting. I picked these sounds because I thought that it would be kinda easy to create these sounds and they were also something I thought would be cool to make sound effects for. How I plan on doing the footsteps is, i'm going to do it inside just so the wind and cars driving by don't affect how my sound comes out. I'll probably do these at school just because I think it would be easier but it could be done anywhere. I seen in the videos that we watched that even the things falling are pre recorded and edited into the films, I thought that was cool and I thought it would be hard to make the sound perfectly fit the object falling in the film, so I thought I would give it a try. I also plan on doing these inside just to again make sure nothing from outside effects how my sound turns out. The third sound I wanted to do was a car revving, I picked this one because I thought it would be kinda a easy sound to get because usually you hear other things outside when someones revving their car so I am not to concerned about the wind and other things. The last sound that I picked was a door closing, I plan on doing this one because I can do it anywhere, I think it's a pretty easy sound to recreate. I think that I could do most of these sounds at school and in the school, the only one I will have to be outside for is the car revving, but I could get that anywhere.


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